EIN Retrieval
Your Company's Own Tax ID # (EIN)
Employer Identification Number (EIN, FEIN, Federal Tax ID) (retrieved according to IRS regulations within 1 week, but reality these days is 1 - 6 weeks)
$200 (or only $150 if you add it to your Custom or Deluxe Package) details
We will file the forms for you and get you your EIN in 1 - 6 weeks. Our service also includes your EIN letter from the IRS usually received within 6 weeks. This is an important letter proving the existence of your EIN.
PLEASE NOTE: We can retrieve an EIN for your Corporation or LLC, even if you don't have a SSN or ITIN. We specialize in helping non-US, foreign founders.
Q: What is an EIN?
A: An Employer Identification Number. It is also called an FEIN or Federal Tax ID # for your US Company. It is the corporate equivalent of a personal SSN.
Q: I don't have an SSN or an ITIN - can you still get my company an EIN?
A: Yes!
Q: I have an SSN or an ITIN - can you still get my company an EIN?
A: Yes. OR we'll show you where to get your company's EIN online in about 10 minutes for free.
Q: Why do I need an EIN?
A: You'll need an EIN if your goal is to setup a US Corporate bank account or a US Business PayPal account or if any US supplier or client asks you for your Federal Tax ID #.
Q: What is an EIN?
A: An Employer Identification Number. It is also called an FEIN or Federal Tax ID # for your US Company. It is the corporate equivalent of a personal SSN.
Q: I don't have an SSN or an ITIN - can you still get my company an EIN?
A: Yes!
Q: I have an SSN or an ITIN - can you still get my company an EIN?
A: Yes. OR we'll show you where to get your company's EIN online in about 10 minutes for free.
Q: Why do I need an EIN?
A: You'll need an EIN if your goal is to setup a US Corporate bank account or a US Business PayPal account or if any US supplier or client asks you for your Federal Tax ID #.