Digital Commerce Agency

VALIS is now a Member of the Umbrella Local Digital Marketing Collective.
For more than 25 years we've set you up with the legal, physical, and financial infrastructure to bring your business to America, now we're ready to help you launch and sell to Americans too!
We can setup and manage your US advertising and sales with our local, English speaking, pros, in part or as a whole.

Check Out Our Risk Free Digital Marketing Services

Own the Search Box

Don't Pay Until Your Company Appears in the Suggestions!

You know when you type something into the Google/Bing search field and suggestions drop down? How would you like your company name to appear as a suggestion? It would look like Google/Bing are recommending you, wouldn't it? Well, one of our partners has figured out how to do just that. Now you can get recommended by Google/Bing in the Suggestions, and you don't have to pay for maintenance until you're there, even the deposit is refundable if we can't get you into the suggestions within 6 months. We also guarantee exclusivity: We won't do this for anyone else, you own the search box for your keywords. Get them first, before someone else does.

Give us 7 keywords for Bing, and 1 for Google, and we'll get to work making sure Google and Bing are recommending you, and filling the search results with your company, not a bunch of your competitors!

WhatsApp Us to Get Started

Get More Sales with Search Engine Optimization

Don't Pay Until You're on the First Page!

Give us 10 Keywords we'll get to work getting you on the first page of Google and Bing. Risk Free since you don't have to pay the maintenance fees until we get those keywords ranked on the first page, and even the deposit is refundable if we can't get you on to the first page within 6 months. And we'll never stop trying to improve your rankings. Even if Google changes their algorithm and your keywords disappear from the first page you won't pay for that month either. We only get paid if you're on the first page.

WhatsApp Us to Get Started

Check Out Our Best in Class Digital Marketing Services

Get More Sales with Google/Facebook Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Let's work out who your ideal customer is, their financial value, your current conversion rate, and the price you can pay for a lead that grows your business. We'll do the research and get our Award Winning, Google Premier, advertising team (currently managing over $20,000,000 in ad spend) to dig deep and see what we can do improve your metrics, generate sales, and turn every advertising dollar spent into two or more in profit.

WhatsApp Us to Get Started

Checkout our VALIS AI to Take Over Your Marketing and Initial Customer Contact

Convert More Visitors into Sales

Get the VALIS AI: Saatchi, that learns about your business, talks to your potential customers (in the language of their choice), and creates testimonial packages from satisfied customers for social media marketing too. Seriously, this thing is Amazing! Put your website in the DEMO field below and see what it can do after just 30 seconds of checking out your website. Dive deeper in our site to see what it can do for you once it's installed on your site (with just one line of code).

Learn More About our Local Agency