How To Register And Start A Company In The USA From Georgia? (2024) LLC & C-Corp

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Starting the process of registering and launching a company in the USA from Georgia can feel like a complex puzzle. We understand the challenges you face and are here to provide guidance.

This guide is your roadmap, curated for Georgian entrepreneurs seeking to understand the ins and outs of registering and establishing a company in the USA from Georgia. Together, we’ll navigate the legal, financial, and operational elements, clearing the path toward your entrepreneurial success.

Register and Start your business in the USA

Step 1: Choose between LLC and C-Corp

When individuals or businesses from Georgia are considering the registration of a company in the U.S., the choice between an LLC (Limited Liability Company) and a C-Corp (C-Corporation) becomes a fundamental decision. Each of these entity types offers its own set of features, benefits, and drawbacks, making them appropriate for various business situations and objectives.

Register LLC in the USA from Georgia:

1. Taxation: Foreign-owned LLCs in the U.S. typically don’t qualify for pass-through taxation. A more effective method is to register the LLC for corporate taxation, and then levy management fees (personally, from your business in Georgia, or from a lower tax jurisdiction) to offset profits, thereby reducing U.S. tax responsibilities.
2. Ownership: U.S. LLCs impose no restrictions on ownership. Members can be non-U.S. citizens, non-resident aliens, or companies, both domestic and international, offering a flexible structure for entrepreneurs.
3. Management: LLCs in the U.S. offer a malleable management structure, allowing owners to tailor their roles and business operations without stringent formalities. With a design that accommodates both Sole Proprietorships and Partnerships, LLCs provide a simplified yet effective management and ownership model.
4. Compliance: LLCs generally have fewer compliance obligations and formalities, potentially reducing legal and accounting expenses. This can be particularly beneficial for smaller businesses that may lack the resources for detailed record-keeping and regular reporting.

Register C-Corp in the USA from Georgia:

While LLCs have their own set of advantages, there are instances where a C-Corp may be a better option:

1. Raising Capital: For businesses focused on attracting venture capital or aiming for a public offering in the future, C-Corps are typically the favored option by investors. They allow for the issuance of different stock types, which can appeal to investors looking for equity shares.
2. Desire for Structure: Some businesses may lean towards the formal structure of a C-Corp, which includes a board of directors and designated officer roles. This formal structure enhances credibility and sets up a clear hierarchy in bigger organizations.
3. Employee Benefits: C-Corps are beneficial for businesses planning to offer various benefits to a substantial workforce. They’re structured to efficiently manage such benefits, making them ideal for companies that wish to attract and retain highly skilled employees, including:

– Stock Options: C-Corps can provide employees the chance to purchase company stock at a predetermined rate, making them stakeholders in the company’s success.
– Tax Advantages: C-Corps enjoy certain tax benefits with employee benefits, such as deducting the cost of these benefits, which can be economically beneficial for both the company and its employees.

Overall, while LLCs might suit entrepreneurs from Georgia for their taxation, ownership, and compliance features, C-Corps are advantageous for capital raising and organized growth. The choice between an LLC and a C-Corp in the U.S. involves thorough contemplation.

Step 2: Pick a Name and a Corporate Ending

Steps to Choosing an Appropriate Business Name:

1. Choose a unique business name: Your business name must be unique within the state of incorporation. Check its availability on the respective state’s Secretary of State website.
2. Check for name availability: Ensure your registered agent, who must be located in the state of incorporation, verifies the name’s availability.
3. Consider the type of business entity: The business entity type, such as C-Corporation, LLC, or S-Corporation, has implications on your business name. For example, certain entities like S-Corporations have ownership restrictions impacting name choices.
4. Comply with state regulations: Comply with the specific business name regulations of your incorporation state. This includes adherence to processes such as reservations, filings, and other state-mandated procedures.

Step 3: Select Your Registration State

Selecting an appropriate state for registering your business is essential, as it has significant implications for taxes, legal compliance, and business operations. Delaware is a prime option, celebrated for its supportive business ecosystem. Other states to consider include Wyoming and Nevada, each offering unique advantages for businesses.
DelawareFavorable Tax EnvironmentFranchise tax may lead to slightly higher costs for businesses
No state corporate income tax for out-of-state business
No State Sales Tax
Ease of Business Formation
Flexible Business Structures
WyomingNo corporate or personal income taxLess recognized compared to other states
Cheaper franchise taxes
NevadaNo state corporate income taxHigher annual reporting fees
Mandatory state tax return filing
Public listing of all officers and directors

Step 4: Choose A Registered Agent For Legal Compliance

The selection of a registered agent is a pivotal step for your U.S.-based business, as they are entrusted with receiving all legal and official business correspondences.

Key Aspects to Bear in Mind:

1. Physical Address: The agent should possess a real street address in your business’s registration state, not just a P.O. box.
2. Availability: They need to be accessible during usual business hours for document reception.
3. Compliance Expertise: Choose an agent who is an expert in your state’s specific business rules and regulations.
4. National Presence: For a business operating or planning to operate in various states, a registered agent with a nationwide service is beneficial.
5. Reputation: Opt for an agent with a strong reputation for reliability and efficiency.
6. Additional Services: Some agents might also offer support with business formation and necessary document submissions.
7. Fees: It’s important to understand the agent’s fee structure, ensuring it is flat and free from undisclosed charges.

Step 5: Provide details for the Owner, Director, and Manager (Who May Be A Single Individual)

You must provide the following:

– A passport
– Address

Step 6: Get A US Office (Virtual Or ExecutiveCenter)

Opting for a virtual office enables you to register your company with an esteemed address while bypassing the expenses of maintaining a physical office.

For entrepreneurs from Georgia registering a business in the USA, a virtual office is an excellent option. It not only provides a reputable business address but also includes various additional services.

Looking for Support in Setting Up Your Serviced Office?

We complement our registered agent services with offerings of serviced offices, catering specifically to the needs of various businesses.

Step 7: Get an EIN From the IRS

Obtaining a Federal Employer Identification Number is a fundamental step for legitimizing your business in the United States. Issued by the IRS, this nine-digit number is essential for tax purposes and various other business functions.

For acquiring an EIN for your company from outside the US, there are two main approaches:

1. Apply for an EIN: You can apply for an EIN from the IRS after your company is incorporated. This unique identifier is vital for tax-related and other business matters.
2. Use a Registered Agent: Some registered agents can help obtain an EIN as part of the company registration process. These agents are responsible for handling legal and official documents and can sometimes streamline the EIN application.

Following the acquisition of your EIN, the next essential step is registering your company with FinCEN BOI in compliance with the latest regulations.

Register the company and beneficial owners with FinCEN BOI

For company registration in the USA, complying with the Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting standards set by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) is essential. As per the Corporate Transparency Act, companies are required to report detailed information about their ultimate beneficial owners or those in control.

Key Steps for FinCEN BOI Compliance:

Reporting Deadlines and Requirements

– For companies that were set up or registered before January 1, 2024, the deadline to file the first BOI report is January 1, 2025.
– Existing companies have a one-year period to comply with this filing, while new companies need to file within 90 days of their establishment or registration.
– The report must include four specific pieces of information for every beneficial owner: their name, birthdate, address, and passport number.

Reporting Process and Frequency

– Companies are advised to implement procedures for accurately collecting, reporting, and protecting BOI data required by FinCEN.
– Reporting to FinCEN is a one-time requirement, not an annual one. Additional submissions are only needed if updates or corrections are required.
– FinCEN began receiving BOI reports from January 1, 2024, onwards.

Compliance and Fraud Protection

– Exercise caution regarding possible fraud. It’s important to note that FinCEN will not send out requests without prior contact. Refrain from interacting with or clicking on links in any unrequested messages.

Step 8: Open a US Bank Account Remotely

After your company has been successfully incorporated, the next important move is to open a banking account in the US.

Documents needed for opening a US bank account:

Required documentsDescription
Director’s IdentificationValid photo ID, such as a passport and driver’s license, or tax card with a photo.
Director’s Address ProofProof of the director’s residential address, e.g., utility bills or bank statements.
Incorporation/Organization PapersArticles detailing the company’s structure, management, and membership.
EIN ConfirmationVerification letter issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for taxation purposes.
Business Location VerificationEvidence confirming that the business address is located in the United States.
Company DocumentsMay include the company’s certificate of incorporation, articles of organization, or other relevant documents.
With our connections to four US banks, we can expedite your account opening to within 5 days, significantly faster than the standard duration. For more details, please see our page or arrange a free consultation to discuss how we can assist you.

Step 9: Open A Merchant Account To Accept Credit Cards

When registering a company in the USA from Georgia, it’s crucial to consider opening a merchant account for handling credit card payments. Such an account is a key business tool, enabling the acceptance and processing of credit card transactions, which is fundamental for modern commerce.

Requirements for opening a Merchant Account:

– Filling out a comprehensive application that requires specific business details, like your business license, a verification of your business bank account, and your EIN.
– Providing a record of your business and individual credit histories.
– Including a copy of your Certificate of Incorporation.
– Adding your Articles or Memorandum of Association.
– Listing information in the Shareholder registry.

Additionally, as a business owner, you may need to supply personal details such as:

– Your full legal name.
– Your current residential address.
– Optionally, your ITIN.

This information is important for the credit check process, which is a usual part of most merchant account providers’ underwriting procedures, though not universally required anymore.

Step 10: Transfer Profits Home Or To A Lower Tax Jurisdiction

Starting a business in the US from Georgia involves understanding rules about sending profits home and moving them to areas with lower taxes. Here’s a rundown of important points:

Getting Your Money from Georgia:

1. Georgian Regulations: In Georgia, regulations for accessing your money depend on various factors such as the source of funds and the purpose of transfer. Some transactions may require documentation or approval from relevant authorities to ensure compliance with anti-money laundering and tax regulations.
2. Methods for Transferring Funds from Georgia: Transferring funds from Georgia can be done through multiple channels including bank transfers, online payment platforms, or remittance services. Banks offer wire transfer services both domestically and internationally, allowing individuals to send money to accounts in other countries.
3. Taxation: When receiving money in Georgia, individuals should consider the tax implications based on the nature of the funds. Income earned from employment, business profits, or investments may be subject to income tax, while certain exemptions or deductions may apply depending on the source and amount of income.

Transferring Profits to a Lower Tax Jurisdiction

1. Tax Implications Assessment: When shifting profits to a lower tax jurisdiction, it’s important to understand the tax implications both in the source country and the destination. Countries with 0% corporate tax rates like the Bahamas, Bermuda, and the Cayman Islands are popular choices for such offshore investments.
2. Insights into US Tax Policies: Comprehend the incentives provided by the US tax system for moving profits offshore to low-tax jurisdictions, keeping in mind the broader landscape of international tax laws and agreements.

Limitations and Regulations

1. Repatriation Limits: Currently, there are no specific restrictions on the amount of money that individuals can transfer from Georgia to the U.S. However, it’s advisable to consult with your bank or money transfer service provider for any applicable limits or regulations.
2. Tax Implications: Sending money from Georgia to the U.S. may have tax implications, depending on the nature of the transaction. Generally, individuals are not subject to taxes on personal remittances sent from Georgia to the U.S. However, if the transfer involves business transactions, investments, or other taxable activities, it could be subject to taxation.

Setting Up Transfers

Payment Methods: Sending money from the U.S. to Georgia can be done through various methods, including bank transfers, online money transfer services, and international wire transfers.

Step 11: Get an ITIN from IRS for Banking and Credit (optional step)

An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), issued by the IRS, serves those who need a taxpayer ID in the U.S. but are not eligible for a Social Security number. When individuals from Georgia are establishing a company in the U.S., getting an ITIN can assist in streamlining banking activities and in cultivating a credit history for both the individual and the business.

Nevertheless, it’s crucial to remember that having an ITIN is not a requirement for initiating a business in the U.S.

What are the Costs and Registration Fees for Incorporating a Company in the USA?

The decision on where to incorporate a business in the USA is influenced by a range of aspects, including the cost implications, regulatory framework, and distinct incentives for businesses.

Here is an overview of the different tax structures in the top 5 states preferred for incorporation:

StateCost to IncorporateAnnual Franchise Tax
New Mexico$50$0

Requirements to Register a Company in the USA for Georgian Citizens

Prioritizing these key initial actions is essential when you register a company in the United States. They are fundamental and should be addressed first.

– Ensure that all directors are at least 18 years of age (or are represented by a legal guardian) and hold valid passports.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to travel to the US for Company Registration?

Company registration in the US can be completed without setting foot in the country, as the process is now fully digital. This means that none of the business’s stakeholders need to be physically present. The required documents, once scanned and self-attested, can be easily uploaded for registration via an online system.

What is a Certificate of Authentication and when is it required?

For businesses from Georgia, a Certificate of Authentication can be a useful, though non-mandatory, document. It may be needed for activities like establishing a bank account in Georgia or confirming the legitimacy of a US company. This certificate is not a prerequisite for registering a company in the USA from Georgia.

How can I obtain an Apostille for my US documents?

When you need to get an Apostille, which is a recognized form of verification under the Hague Convention, there are multiple avenues to explore. You can start the process through your Registered Agent, the Secretary of State’s office, or other authorized bodies like U.S. federal court clerks or the U.S. Department of State Office of Authentications.

This step becomes vital, particularly if you’re planning to open a bank account in Georgia or provide paperwork for your U.S. company.

What should I do to authenticate Georgian documents for use in the United States?

To begin, ensure that your documents are translated into English by an accredited translator if they’re not already in English. Following this, have them notarized by a notary public.

The next step is to have your paperwork apostilled by the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Upon completion of these steps, your documents will be valid in the United States.

Is the Certificate of Authentication always necessary?

No, the Certificate of Authentication is not always necessary. It’s important to consider your specific business needs to determine if this step is essential for your circumstances.

Final Steps to U.S. Business Success for Georgian Entrepreneurs

Registering and initiating a company in the USA from Georgia is a multifaceted journey. In this 2024 guide, we provide a thorough outline that includes everything from choosing an appropriate business structure to setting up bank accounts.

Georgian entrepreneurs can successfully traverse this route with strategic planning and the help of a reliable registered agent, who will assist with the legal aspects and the process of state registration.

We at Valis are ready to help. Contact us for a free, no-commitment consultation to discuss any questions you have about the information provided and to learn how you can get registered in just a few days.

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